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If the lord calls you, follow him!

Vocation Promotion

Who we are

We, Xaverian Missionaries, (founded by Bishop Guido Maria Conforti in 1895, Italy), are a religious community of men called to consecrate ourselves to God for the mission. Our one exclusive purpose is to proclaim Christ and His message to non-Christians by word, example, and the testimony of our consecrated religious life.


We are wholeheartedly willing to welcome young people who would like to continue the mission of Christ, proclaim the beauty and newness of the Gospel, and share our dream to make the world a single family. We seek out young Filipino men and invite them to reflect on their missionary commitment as followers of Christ. We will share our missionary charism with the local Church. It is not only the missionary spirit that we share with the local Church, but the Mission Ad Gentes and Mission Ad Extra, two relevant activities. We considered our charism a gift of the Holy Spirit, and as such, we share it with the Filipino people.

Philosophy community

Formation stages

A candidate takes several years to be formed as missionary according to the Xaverian charism. It is needed a strong spirituality that enables the candidate to "see, seek, and love God in everything." Here you will find an overview of the various stages of formation that candidates journey to become a Xaverian priest or brother.

Caritas Christi Urget Nos