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Xaverian Life

“How are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they proclaim him unless they are sent?” (Rm 10:14-15)

The life of the Xaverian

Who we are

We, Xaverian Missionaries, (founded by Bishop Guido Maria Conforti in 1895, Italy), are a religious community of men called to consecrate ourselves to God for the mission. Our one exclusive purpose is to proclaim Christ and His message to non-Christians by word, example, and the testimony of our consecrated religious life.

We offer our pastoral service to the already established Christian communities on a temporary basis, assisting them in their process of inculturation and growth, enabling them to become active agents of mission to non-Christians and live in communion with other churches. Our mission compels us to work so that local churches acknowledge and assume their mission obligations towards non-Christians.

Our model and patron is Saint Francis Xavier, the great apostle of the Indies. Our Foundation name is Pious Society of St. Francis Xavier For Foreign Missions.

Xaverian Missionaries


Our Founder, Saint Guido Maria Conforti, set the foundation for our life and spirituality in these five aspects:

  • Christ-centered spirituality: Christ is the center of our lives, the driving force and inspiration of our thoughts, love, and actions. Our Founder invites to have a living faith, which enables us to seek, see and love God in all.

  • Missionary purpose: our charism is the first proclamation. We are called to announce Christ where he is not yet known. Therefore, we are missionaries ad gentes (for non-Christian), ad extra (we are sent to proclaim the Gospel beyond the boundaries of our own cultural milieu and local church), and ad vitam (by virtue of our vocation, our availability to serve the missionary cause is of a definitive nature, both in terms of life-long commitment and total dedication to the missionary vocation).

  • Religious consecration: we are to live and witness our mission consecration by following Christ in vowed poverty, chastity, obedience and mission.

  • Intense love for our Xaverian Family, which we must look upon as mother, and a spirit of intense love for all the members of our society. Our Founder invites us his children to love one another as brothers and respect one another as princes.

  • The Xaverian’s humanity that consists in the formation of the heart. It emphasizes human virtues, such as self-giving, gratuitousness, fidelity to daily responsibility, love for work, the ability to face the problems of daily life, a balanced affective life, acceptance of others, openness of mind and heart to the cultural values and the great problems that affect humanity.

Our spirituality
Xaverians in the World


We are now in 21 countries, in the continents of Africa, America, Asian and Europe.

A single Family for the whole World