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Who is Jesus for me?

| Methi Krabaunsanga

“Who is Jesus for me?” This question comes to my mind after reflecting upon the Gospel for the 21st Sunday of ordinary time. Jesus and the disciples were walking into the region of Caesarea Philippi. Jesus asked his disciples, “Who the son of man is?” I would like to invite each one of us to imagine that we were with Jesus at the time, and we were asked the same question: “Who do you say that I am?” What are we going to answer to Jesus?

In fact, as Christians, we know that Jesus is our God, the Savior who has saved us through the cross. Unfortunately, some people still give up following Jesus because of their misunderstanding about him. They may see him as a prophet, some may see him as just a performer of miracles, and some may see him as a hero or a generous person who actually provides our needs, and when they don’t get the benefit from Jesus, they turn away from him. Furthermore, some people may think that Jesus is someone else who is not essential and has no influence in their life, and even worse, some may feel that he is just an imaginary God who doesn’t exist because they never encounter God, so they have no ideas about God.

In order to know who God is, we need to encounter him like Saint Peter; he was always with Jesus, and he was able to see and experience many good things. This experience with Jesus and the action of God enabled him to acknowledge Jesus as Messiah, the son of the living God. Nowadays, there are many ways for us to encounter Jesus, such as prayer, meditation, holy eucharist, reading the bible, etc. We need to find a time to encounter him so that, step by step, we will be able to experience the love of Jesus for us, and at the same time, we are encouraged to be faithful to Jesus so that our faith and love to Jesus will be enriched.

In order to be faithful followers of God, we need to keep a relationship with him through prayer, meditation, and reading the bible. We will be enlightened in mind and heart, and we will experience the presence and love of God that Jesus is the son of the living God, our Redeemer. Then, we will have the answers to Jesus as Peter said: “You are the Christ, the son of the living God and Jesus. At the same time, we are encouraged to share with other people that Jesus is the son of God who wants salvation for everyone because He is God for all humankind.

So, Jesus addresses the same question to each one of us, “WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?” or Who is Jesus for you? The answers certainly depend on how deep our relationship with Jesus is. Let us learn from Simon Peter, who always journeyed with Jesus, so that we will be able to say like Peter, “Lord, you are the Christ, the son of the living God.” Happy Sunday